by bmanyibe | Aug 5, 2021 | Seasonal
Erica Meltzer, Chalkbeat Colorado More than half of prospective elementary teachers in Colorado fail their licensure exams on the first try, and of those who fail, 40% don’t try again, according to new data from the National Council on Teacher Quality. Only 46% of... by bmanyibe | Aug 3, 2021 | Seasonal
While the rollout of the COVID-19 vaccine has been a relief for the nation’s teachers, many of whom have been working in-person on and off since the start of the pandemic, the reality is that not everyone will get the vaccine. What’s more, being in the school building... by bmanyibe | Jul 19, 2021 | Seasonal
Throughout this past year, teachers have been tasked with conducting hybrid or fully remote learning while guiding students through a global pandemic and nationwide social injustices. Amid such challenges, teachers have developed unique ways to stay resilient, while... by bmanyibe | Jun 18, 2021 | Seasonal
Teaching our students Financial literacy is one of the best to show relevance of math to them. What is the relevance of studying math? How does it apply to the daily lives of the kids outside school? These are the questions kids and sadly some parents struggle to find... by bmanyibe | Jun 3, 2021 | Seasonal
Things are looking up for the 2021 National Teacher of the Year Juliana Urtubey. First Lady Dr. Jill Biden surprised Juliana as she walked into her classroom in Las Vegas, Nevada to personally congratulate her and thank the top educator for her exemplary work in the... by bmanyibe | May 2, 2021 | Seasonal
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