Edmond Schools Named Teacher of the Year

Edmond Schools District has named Cimarron Middle School’s Kristin Linholm, a 6th grade literacy and social studies teacher 2016-2017 Edmond Teacher of the Year. The announcement was made on April 19 by Superintendent Bret Towne during the Celebration of Excellence...

Summer Parenting Tips

Summer parenting can be overwhelming for many parents. For 180 days a year, school counselors work with students on how to express their feelings in appropriate ways, how to deal with their anger and how to cope with stressful situations. But what happens when school...

Science Learning for Four Year Old Kids

Science learning by four year olds is exciting. Four-year-olds approach the world with great curiosity and use their imaginations to help understand it. Hands-on explorations help them to separate reality from fantasy. They can participate in the planning and...

Saving for College: Are You Saving Enough?

Saving for college is necessary for parents planing to take their kids to college. Yet, despite rising college costs, fewer American families with children under age 18 are saving for college. Only 50 percent are doing so today, compared to 60 percent just two years...