Caring Children with Autism: Five Tips


Caring for children with autism can be challenging to caregivers and parents. However, possessing basic knowledge on how to care for these children will be helpful to you. Below are 5 tips to help you effectively care for your child.

Handling Fits

Children with autism frequently develop fits. Most parents intervene through trial and error methods. This approach unfortunately worsens the situation as you risk hurting your child. Instead of applying such methods, you need to be patient and allow the child go through with the fits. However, if the situation escalates and you fear the child might hurt himself or herself, then calmly intervene. Hug and hold the child tenderly while asking him or her to calm down.

Have fun together

It is strongly recommended that you set time apart for fun activities together with your child who is autistic. Design and participate in exercises such as stretching and other fun exercises. Enjoying together with your child will make both of you to relax and relieve the tension you might have developed from the caring process. It would be more helpful for you and your child to make fun time a daily routine.

Become Best friends

It is important to spend enough time talking and playing with the child. This will increase trust between the two of you. The fact that these children do not speak like other children doesn’t mean they are unreceptive to communication. Look for effective communication channels to talk with the child. On playing, choose appropriate games that will not expose the child to any danger. Spending more time with the child reassures them that you care.

Maintenance of a daily routine

Autistic children are extremely responsive to changes in their environment. Even a slight change can lead to an unprecedented meltdown. Consequently, you need to ensure a daily routine is maintained in order to avoid upsetting your child. When changes are inevitable; figure out the correct ways of introducing them. Piecemeal changes are preferable as the child will rarely notice them.

The decision making process

Most parents do not give their children space to make decisions on their own. They take it upon themselves to decide on each and every aspect of the child’s life. This is detrimental towards the growth of the child. You risk raising a child who will never mature. The best you can do is to allow the child to make some small decisions on various tasks. However, you need to be around to oversee what he or she is doing lest they hurt themselves. Trusting these children with the decision making makes them feel better and this is good for their development.

Check out another article we have about caring for autistic children by clicking here.